Category Archives: Support

Posts related to support Mason Man has received and thanks from the Snow Family.

Thank You

As we are approaching the end of what has been one crazy year, we want to say thanks to each and every one of you that has contributed to our family in one way or another. And I must tell you, we have received more support than we ever could have imagined. Whether it be prayers, gifts, love, words of encouragement, a shoulder to cry on, or someone to share a laugh with — all of it has helped us get through some tough times, and it has meant more to us than we could ever put into words. The year 2011 has surely been a roller coaster for the Snow Family, and our family and friends remained with us through it all. They helped us up whenever we fell, and for that, we are forever grateful.

When Mason was born, Tiffany and I used to ask ourselves and God why all of this happened to our son. We no longer do that. We don’t feel sorry for ourselves, we don’t complain about the countless trips to Phoenix Children’s Hospital, we don’t compare Mason’s development to other babies, Tiffany doesn’t stress when she puts in or takes out Mason’s contacts, it doesn’t bother us that we have to mix formula and a thickener into his breast milk with a hand blender, we don’t care that we have to give him medicine at just about every feeding, and because Mason could never nurse Tiffany continues to soldier on with pumping, day in and day out. We do all of this without complaint because Mason is truly the greatest gift God could ever give us. We look into his eyes and don’t see Lowe Syndrome, we see a beautiful boy filled with life and happiness. And that is the amazing thing, despite everything he has been through, this kid of ours is truly happy. A true testament to what life is really all about.

On another note, Mason had a wonderful 1st Christmas. He received one gift a day early, as his first tooth popped through on Christmas Eve! Praise God for that! He had been miserable leading up to it. Mom (I mean Santa) wrapped Mason’s presents in tissue paper so he could open them more easily, but he was more interested in trying to eat it. Nevertheless, he now has more clothes than Mom and Dad combined! He also got some educational toys to help with his development and an iPad 2 to better help his communication. We are so thankful to everyone that helped make Mason’s 1st Christmas a great one!

With that being said, the Snow Family wishes you all a healthy and prosperous 2012. Thank you all again, from the bottom of our hearts. God Bless.

A Brand New Chair

We are so thankful for the thoughtful therapists that Mason has. His physical and speech therapists were bound and determined to get a hold of a feeding chair for Mason. These chairs sold anywhere online are very expensive. Today when we went for his therapy, they surprised us with a new chair that will help Mason sit independently! It brings tears to my eyes to see him have the ability to somewhat sit up by himself. He gets so frustrated that he can’t sit in the bumbo because he just melts in it due to his low muscle tone. This chair helps Mason sit upright while still giving him the support he needs. Words cannot express the gratitude we have for Mason’s therapists. Not only are they changing Mason’s life by helping him develop and teaching us as his parents therapy we can do at home continuously, they think of his needs outside of their jobs. It is people like them who make things possible for Mason and we are so thankful! Mason just loves his new chair and Mom and Dad love watching him have so much pride 🙂